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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chrisqo Is Definitely Not #Winning

After Chris Brown storms off the 'GMA' set, going H.A.M and beating up his dressing room,He hits the art gallery with his jumpoff like nothing ever happened.It is also reported that Breezy agreed and knew about the Rihanna questions before the interview with Robin Roberts. Police were called to escort him out of the studio after he allegedly broke a window in his dressing room,but Chris fled the scene,just as he did when he beat Rihanna's face in.During the interview,I noticed that he said this:

“It’s not really a big deal to me now as far as that situation. I think I’m past that in my life. I think today’s the album day so that’s what I’m focused on. Everybody go get that album.”
According to TMZ:

We’re told after the interview, Brown freaked out, storming into his dressing room and screaming so loud, the people in hair and makeup became alarmed and called security.
We’re told Brown was out of control, and one source present tells us he smashed a window in his dressing room, and the glass shattered and some shards fell onto 43rd and Broadway.
We’re told by the time security rushed the area, Brown had ripped off his shirt and left the building, blowing off another performance he was supposed to do for the ABC website.
And sources say … on his way out of the building, Brown confronted a segment producer, got in his face and stared him down. People from the show got in between Chris and the producer to diffuse the situation.

 This twatwaffle needs some serious help!This character showed tv land how big of a douche he really is and he needs to go to jail in order for him to learn that there are consequences for your actions.He and his stupid fans are major asstards,and they deserve one another!He is a bipolar,unhinged major nut job.More photos from the now infamous 'I had a Good Morning America' bipolar spasm after the jump.

 Chris Browns Tweet after the blowup: I think it Their not There,Dummy!
Photos: Bauer Griffin/INF Daily/CB's Twitter


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